…A woman of integrity, of fullness, of complete FAITH! A woman who had a dream and is helping others fulfill their own. A resource, a vessel. Living proof that if you see a need and want to make a difference, it CAN happen ❤️…
What is Harlem Fashion Row, and why?
The only New York agency that exclusively represents designers of color!
This time last week, I was gearing up in my Nike sweater dress and black boots to attend HARLEM FASHION ROW’s 15th-anniversary show in collaboration with Nike here in Memphis. The day before, I went into the Nike store to pick out something “Cute and Nike” because that was the attire for the night.
I walked in and was greeted by some of the most helpful people at an event I’ve encountered.
Me: I can’t find my QR code
The person checking me in: it’s ok (with a smile). What’s your full name?
Me: Natosha Harris
Her: Found you; enjoy the show!
I walked in and saw people taking pictures, networking, smiling, and finding their seats. Finally, one of my friends (over 20+) years arrived, so I was free from seat-holding to make my way to the bar area for a bit of champagne and popcorn. When I made it back to my seat, the announcement that the show was starting. I was excited! …Did I mention this was my FIRST EVER FASHION SHOW that I have attended in life ☺️
First, Mrs. Daniels, CEO and the owner comes up to give a warm welcome, followed by Robert Shorty, Director, Global Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN & SUSTAINABILITY for Nike smiling and giving thanks for the fantastic collaboration, and then the SHOW began!
-First up… COTTE D'ARMES'
Stylish, Unique, Creative Imagination
-Next was… Nichole Lynel
Colors, Materials/Fabrics, Feminine, Motherhood
-Third was… Kimberly Goodson
Patterns, Designs, Boldness
-Last but not least (Memphis’ own)… Prep Curry
Comfortable, Stitched, Colorful, Floral
The show ended with awards, announcements, and accolades given by Deondra Guy. This 15th-anniversary celebration by HFR was one for the books. It was my first, but it won’t be my last! This show was way more than just fashion…this show gave “Dreams can come true,” “All avenues are worth exploring,” and “People of color do climb and will reach back to pull others up.” I left inspired and in full belief that all things are possible!