I woke up in slow motion today and feeling super emotional. I don't know where to even begin with explaining why.
Yesterday was a very exciting day for me although I cleaned up all day. Today is a day for work. For me to release whatever it is so that I can produce.
Being a single mom and working from home has its perks but there are also times like today when I just need a significant other to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be ok. I couldn't hold the tears back so I got them all out, ate some food and took a few bites out of the edi lol, said my prayers and affirmations, and fired this here computer up.
I know it's just the thoughts running rapidly. I feel like as soon as I am on my brink is when these uncontrollable thoughts take place to try and make me feel like I'm not worthy of where life is taking me.
I am worthy and I deserve to be happy on all fronts of life!!
Got my to-do list prepared and I am ready to tackle what I can get done today. Not feeling the pressure as I did before. Just glad that I could get it out to move forward with work today because I literally just wanted to crawl back into bed.
I'm up and working now! I decided to even go as far as writing this blog to prove that there are days when I don't have a clue but I also know whose I am and I know the strength that he has given me to push forward with life. I will not get discouraged and I will not quit on myself. I've come too far.
So I release whatever it was that was trying to tell me that I was not who I am and that I could not do the things that I know I am capable of.
I got this!